If your current boiler is more than 15 years old, then you might want to consider getting a brand new condenser boiler. Not only are they cost and energy-efficient they help to reduce both indoor and outdoor air pollution.
If you are wondering whether or not purchasing a boiler is for you, then consider these six fun facts about how they operate, how much they cost and how much money they can save you in the long run.
1 – Modern Boilers Are Easy to Understand and Operate
Exchange your clunky old furnace for an energy-efficient condenser boiler, and you will suddenly understand what all of the fuss is about. Natural gas flows through your main pipe to your unit, which is ignited at the flick of a switch.
Water inside your pipes is then heated by the gas flames. The water then expands and flows through your pipes providing your home with radiant heat. When your home is warm enough, you can shut it off, as the water usually stays warm in the pipes for hours.
2 – Modern Boilers Drastically Cut Your Energy Costs
The new condenser boilers recycle all of the heated water sent through your home, which results in savings of up to 90% on your heating bill over a year’s time.
They also warm a room so well that there is no need to set your thermostat too high. The rule here is that each degree lower that you set the thermostat will result in a 10% savings on your fuel bill.
3 – Modern Condenser Boilers Are Better for Your Environment
Contemporary condenser boilers not only keep the indoor environment clean, but they also prevent outdoor pollution. Clean natural gas fuels most units, which prevents outdoor pollution. Indoor air quality is also better as there is no flu or venting system associated with newer boilers. Fumes, particulates, and carbon dioxide have no way of escaping from the unit to pollute your home.
4 – Radiant Heat from Boilers Does Not Produce Humidity
The water flowing through your pipes and radiators from a boiler does not humidify the air.
However, you can order a boiler-heated system that has a thermostat that allows you to control the humidity in your rooms with a simple twist of the dial.
Otherwise, radiant heat dries out the indoor air just as much as electrical or coal-burning heated air.
5 – The Boiler Does Not Boil Water
Unless the boiler is located beneath a natural gas water heater, it does not heat the water much higher than 70 degrees. Heating water to boiling would cost you much more in energy costs.
On the other hand, freestanding water heaters in laundries and bathrooms keep water at very high temperatures that can be as high as 190 degrees.
6 – Your Boiler is Only as Good As Your Water Pressure
Many people don’t realize that their boiler needs good water pressure to operate until after they install it in their home.
Without good water pressure, the water in the pipes may not ascend to heat the upper levels of your dwelling.
For best results, consider installing a new water pressure system and a new boiler at the same time.
As each of these fun facts about boilers must lead you to a positive conclusion about them, it is hard to think about why anyone would dismiss the idea of having one installed in the near future.
There are a few instances where this type of boiler may not be appropriate for homes in Ontario, CA. For instance, in very humid places, the water in the pipes may not heat up and condense properly.
Water pressure and the home’s infrastructure might also affect how you upgrade your heating system. Whatever the case is, an expert HVAC professional can help you choose the path that is right for you.