Have you put up your Christmas decorations yet? Have you been thinking about it? Now is the time of the year to deck the halls and light the lights, but all that Christmas cheer can end up raising your electricity bills a significant amount. Luckily, our skilled electricians are here to make sure you avoid high electric bills this Christmas. Read our blog for what you need to know, and remember that for all your essential electrical services, you can count on All Pro Cooling, Heating, Plumbing & Electrical.

Ways You Can Reduce Electricity Costs During the Christmas Season

  1. Turn Off Lights Overnight: While we understand that your Christmas decorations look great at night, we highly suggest turning your lights off when you go to bed. Not only can it be a fire risk to leave lights on unmonitored, it’s also a great way to raise your electricity bill for no reason. Bottom line: if no one is awake to enjoy those lights, it’s better to just turn them off.
  2. Use Energy-Efficient Bulbs: In the past, Christmas lights usually came with C style bulbs that consumed a lot of energy. While you can still find redesigned versions of these vintage bulbs out there, we recommend that whatever lights you choose, you go with energy-efficient LED bulbs. These come in multiple colors and styles and are a great way to cut down on electricity costs without sacrificing style this Christmas.
  3. Replace Older Lights: Speaking of older lights, we understand that you may have some decorations lying around that you feel a sentimental attachment to, but there comes a point where it can be hazardous not to upgrade your Christmas lights. Light strands that are frayed, have old wires, or broken bulbs may malfunction and spike your energy costs, on top of being a fire risk. So while we understand the power of nostalgia, when it comes to Christmas lights, at a certain point you need to toss out the old and bring in the new.
  4. Consider Upgrading Your Electrical Panel: If you have an older electrical panel with fuses that frequently blow, you should consider calling All Pro for an upgrade ASAP. Fuse box panels tend to be able to support less electricity, meaning they may experience problems around the holidays. Also, you have to replace a fuse every time you blow one, which is just inconvenient for you. And if all that wasn’t enough to convince you, many kinds of older panels have also been linked to electrical fires. That’s why it’s safer and more energy-efficient in the long run to just upgrade that old electrical panel today.

To reach our electricians by phone, call (909) 500-8193, or send us a message online.